• Community

World Mental Health Day 2022

This World Mental Health Day England Hockey is proud to be supporting Mind in the fight to raise awareness of mental health. Sometimes, finding the words to say how you are feeling is difficult, it feels like no one is listening, or no one understands – but Mind do. 

Did you know:

  • One in four adults and over one in six young people experienced mental distress for the first time during the pandemic
  • This year, Mind has seen a 30% rise in calls to its Infoline compared to last year in the number of people getting in touch about difficulties they’ve been experiencing with finances and personal debt
  • Over a third of adults and half of young people accessed or tried to access support during the pandemic.
  • Over 1 in 5 adults, and just over 1 in 7 young people did not access support because they did not think that their issue was serious enough. 9% of adults and 11% of young people did not feel comfortable accessing mental health support.

The links between good physical health and mental wellbeing are well recognised. Physical activity, such as playing hockey, can be very beneficial for mental wellbeing.  Please take time to consider how you can support your club members / your team mates.  Does someone not quite seem themselves?  Speak to them, ask them specific questions, go for a coffee; a simple conversation can make a huge difference & together we can keep fighting for better mental health.

Mind the mental health charity, provide advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.  Mind's website has lots of information and advice on mental health & they also have a confidential Infoline, available on 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm).

England Hockey is supporting this campaign to change the way we think and speak about mental health problems and to encourage people to reach out for support.