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New Schools Membership

England Hockey has produced a range of adapted formats and equipment, along with support materials and guidance to support and encourage the delivery of more hockey in more schools at all levels.
Schools are a key delivery partner for hockey, and where many people play the sport for the first time. To make it easier for more schools to access support to deliver more fun, safe, and enjoyable hockey opportunities, we’ve developed a schools membership offer which aims to bring together and enhance the range of support available for schools and teachers.
We recognise that the extent of hockey delivery in schools varies. Some schools have well established and well developed hockey delivery, with significant resource available to support the delivery, whereas others maybe new to the sport, be just starting to consider whether hockey is a sport that they could deliver at their school, and / or may have more limited resources available. Therefore our school's membership offer, outlined below, comprises of two packages, both of which provide schools with a range of support relevant to where they are on their hockey journey.
How To Sign Up
This free membership aims to support the initial delivery and development of the sport within the school. Benefits include;
- Access to the ‘core’ schools area on HockeyHub providing general hockey delivery support and assistance to schools and CPD opportunities for teachers.
- Pre-recorded video content and webinars covering a range of topics that can be accessed when convenient and relevant to support delivery.
- Ready made session content to help with both lesson or session planning, and also delivery and assessment.
- Termly e-newsletters to keep you up to date with schools news, exclusive offers and access to tickets for international matches.
- Help and support to identify suitable CPD courses to help school staff develop and improve their hockey delivery.
To sign up, you simply need to register for a free HockeyHub account and ‘tick’ that you are a teacher when selecting your role(s). Sign up here: https://hockeyhub.englandhockey.co.uk/teachers
Full Schools Membership
Launching late Spring 2022, to run for the 22/23 school year.
This paid for membership aims to further support and develop established hockey delivery within the school setting.
Along with the benefits in the free membership, the full membership will also give;
- Access to an ‘enhanced’ schools area on the HockeyHub providing more tailored hockey delivery support.
- An invitation for one representative from your school to attend one England Age Group training day per year.
- 15%-20% discounts on the paid for Online Coach Development Offer for school staff with savings ranging from £10-£80 per person depending on the workshop/course.
- Access to bespoke webinars to help develop umpiring within your school
- Live forums where particular topics can be discussed, networks can be formed and learning can be shared with other teachers
The full membership will be launched in late Spring and will run for the 2022/23 school year. If you would like to be notified when sign ups go live, please email schools@englandhockey.co.uk.
Free Online Teacher Training Workshops
To support teachers and schools who are new to hockey or thinking of offering it to their students, England Hockey are running three free online teacher training workshops that will cover;
- Benefits of delivering hockey as a sport - gender equal, leveller, inclusive to all.
- Overcome concerns about teaching hockey and explore solutions to common challenges e.g. facilities, equipment, safety, rules, mixed ability and large groups.
- Take away some fun and engaging introductory games that can be played at both primary and secondary.
Spaces are available on a first come first served basis by selecting your preferred date below.