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Just Days Left To Nominate For EuroHockey Club of the year 2022

Clubs have until October 31 to nominate for the EuroHockey annual Club of the Year awards, celebrating the best in grassroots hockey across the continent. 

The competition is split into two sections:

  • Large Club of the Year are open to those with over 300 members 
  • Small Club of the Year award open for outfits with under 300 members  

The guiding theme for this year’s awards is Volunteers, focusing on what has your club done for volunteers, the local community and development in 2022? 

“Each edition the Eurohockey Club of the Year is a great event, showing what our clubs in Europe are capable of,” said EHF Development Committee Chair Peter Elders.  

“It is always a great joy to be able to celebrate this with the winners. I invite all clubs, large and small, to give it a try.” 

The winning nominations go beyond the simple winning of trophies with awards going to those clubs who develop themselves, their local communities and make hockey more inclusive. 

 Each winner will receive: 

  •  a financial award of €1,000 
  • an EHF Club of the Year Pennant 
  • and a VIP visit by an EuroHockey ambassador to present the awards 

 The competition is open to all clubs affiliated to a national federation under the auspices of the European Hockey Federation. They will look to follow in the footsteps of 2021 winners KHC Dragons (large club) and City of Birmingham (small club). 

To nominate your club please do not hesitate to nominate them before the deadline of October 31 2022 via this link.

Please note, following your submission, EuroHockey will check your club’s eligibility with your National Association before any decision. 
