• Community

Free Online Forums for Clubs - Promoting to New Audiences & Ways to Play

As clubs around the country are starting to be able to welcome people back to return to play, England Hockey will be hosting some forums and briefings over the next few weeks to support clubs to welcome back as many participants as possible. 

Six online briefing sessions will be run covering 2 topics. For each topic the same session repeated 3 times to offer choice of day and time.

Promoting Your Club to New Audiences:

This session will provide a basic overview of the different methods available to help promote your club to new audiences in your community.  The session will: 

  • Explore the different ways you can promote your club in the local community to help kick start the return of hockey
  • Provide ideas as to how to best utilise the increased exposure hockey has during the Olympics and Commonwealth Games
  • How to identify people in your local community that may be interested in playing hockey
  • How to tailor your promotion based on the motivations and desires of the people you are targeting

 Providing Alternative Ways to Play:

This session will provide an overview of the different ways to play the game, alongside the traditional 11v11.  The session will explain:

  • Why offering different ways to play is beneficial for clubs and how this can help kickstart the return of hockey this summer
  • The benefits other clubs have found by offering different ways to play
  • The support available for clubs to help plan, promote and deliver a variety of opportunities
  • Explanations of the different ways to play, and who they are aimed at attracting to your club 

During the session a number of optional breakout groups will go into a bit more detail about the specific ways to play.  To help you prepare in advance, please click here or select 'Ways to Play Menu 2021' in useful documents below to read more about the formats of the game and who they aim to attract. Attendees can choose up to three format specific breakout sessions to attend during the workshop.   

How To Book Your Place:

If you or anyone else from your club is interested in attending you can sign up via Hockey Hub here or by selecting the hyperlinked dates above.

We hope you’re able to join some of the forums. If you have any questions regarding the additional support sessions or wider return to play queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via clubs@englandhockey.co.uk