• Community

Flyerz Exemption: Further Details and FAQs

Flyerz Hockey Badge

Following the Government’s announcement on 4 January, it was confirmed that organised outdoor sport for disabled people is allowed to continue.

England Hockey recognises that clubs, players, carers and coaches must all feel comfortable to take part in Flyerz Hockey which is dependent on individual circumstances, as well as the implications of additional restrictions currently in place, for example sports facilities being instructed to close and any travel to remain local.

Therefore, England Hockey fully supports clubs making their own decision about whether to offer Flyerz Hockey in the short term, so clubs can do what is right for them and their community at a local level.

If face-to-face delivery is not possible or it doesn’t feel right just yet, we encourage clubs to continue the great work they are doing to stay in touch with their players through individual check-ins or virtual team sessions so that no one feels alone. 

Frequently asked questions

Q: Can I travel to take part in Flyerz Hockey?

A: Travel should be done locally wherever possible, but you can travel a short distance within your area to do so if necessary. The Government lists local travel as staying within your village, town or the part of a city where you live. You should only travel with your household or support bubble and follow the government safer travel guidance.

Q: Are there any travel exemptions for deliverers of Flyerz Hockey?

A: Travel for volunteers and coaches to enable Flyerz Hockey activity to take place is allowed. This should be done locally wherever possible, but you can travel a short distance within your area to do so if necessary. The Government lists local travel as staying within your village, town or the part of a city where you live. You should only travel with your household or support bubble and follow the government safer travel guidance.

Q: Can outdoor sports facilities open for disability sport?

A: Yes, access to facilities that would otherwise be closed can be provided where needed for use by organised disability sports. However, this will be at the discretion of the facility/venue.

Q: Our outdoor sports facility is unable to open, what would you suggest?

A: Are there any other outdoor sports facilities in your local area that you can speak to? As outdoor sports facilities have been instructed to close you may need to be creative, can you speak to schools to see if you could use their playground, or local community groups to use their outdoor space. We also recommend speaking with your insurers to ensure any activity would be covered at alternative venues.

Q: Can Flyerz Hockey take place indoors?

A: No. The exemption only applies to outdoors activity.

Q: Can non-disabled players take part in Flyerz activity?

A: No. This exemption only applies to disabled people and any other people necessary to enable the sport to take place e.g. a carer or coach helping the disabled person to participate.

Q: Does the exemption include disabled children under the age of 18?

A: Yes. Disabled children under the age of 18 can take part.

Q: What activity can take place during a Flyerz Session at this time?

A: Activity in line with Step 4 of England Hockey’s Return to Play Roadmap. Meaning a maximum group size of 30 with social distancing in place when the ball is not in play. Due to the travel restrictions this activity is intra-club.

Q: Are spectators permitted at Flyerz sessions?

A: Spectators are only allowed where it's for safeguarding purposes but need to be following Covid-secure guidelines. Spectators must stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings).

Q: Where disabled people need support from a carer or personal assistant during activity, will this be allowed?

A: Yes. People who provide essential support (e.g. carers) to disabled people are exempt, and do not count towards gathering limits. Therefore, disabled participants can be supported by a carer(s)/personal assistant(s) while taking part in exercise. This can be in addition to others from your household, support bubble or one person from another household.

Q: Do I need to maintain social distancing if I am working with a disabled person who needs support?

A: Social distancing should be maintained where possible, but in some circumstances people will need physical assistance to be active. This may require support from someone outside of their household or support person. It is important you discuss this with relevant parties to consider individual needs and preferences.