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Celebrating National Volunteers' Week

1-7 June 2021 is National Volunteers' Week, Nick Pink England Hockey Chief Executive, would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who play a vital role within hockey. 

This is our chance to recognise and thank all of the volunteers within the Hockey Family, our sport could not run without you. From organising teams, coaching and umpiring on cold winter days, assisting with the England Hockey governance restructure to Hockey Makers at International matches, England Hockey truly appreciate all of the time and effort volunteers provide. I would particularly like to acknowledge all of the volunteers who, over the last 15 months, have provided support to allow hockey to be played when appropriate during the pandemic. The extra work this has created has not gone unnoticed and without your time, passion & energy we would not have anywhere near the number of players enjoying a return to our sport. Please take a moment this week to acknowledge and thank the volunteers at your club, from myself & all at England Hockey, ‘Thank You’

Volunteering is a fantastic way to be closer to your sport, find out more about how you can get involved.

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