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Pride Month - Bedford Hockey Club Is My Safe And Happy Place

LGBTQ+ Pride Month occurs to commemorate the Stonewall June 1969 riots. These were a series of protests that occurred in New York City after police attempted to raid the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar, on June 28 1969. These riots resulted in pride events being held during this month to recognize the impact LGBT people have had in the world.
As part of Pride Month, we love to celebrate and hear amazing stories from the hockey family. Jean Fitch, from Bedford Hockey Club, shared her experiences with us.
Bedford Hockey Club is my safe and happy place. It is a place where I, and my LGBTQI+ teammates are completely accepted and able to be ourselves.
'Stepping away from the sanctuary of the Club, into other less accepting settings, requires me to raise my protective barriers again.
Pride Month is important as it is a time for me to remember and be grateful to those who fought for my right to exist without persecution.
It is, also, a time to reflect on the fact that homo-, bi-, and trans-discrimination and intolerance still exist. Whilst great progress has been made in many countries in terms of LGBTQI+ equality and inclusion many of our community continue to live in a state of constant threat and fear.
I am delighted that England Hockey has formed a new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group.'

Photos: Bedford's Over 45s showing unity for team members celebrating Pride Month.