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Additional Future Talent Strategy Forums To Be Held

As England Hockey continues its work developing its future talent strategy - ‘Talent Development – A New Way Forward’ - another series of forums are being offered to give clubs and coaches the opportunity to find out more, specifically about Talent Centres and Talent Academies.

There has been a lot of information shared to date as the strategy has evolved and the latest publication outlined a lot of the detail required to be both Talent Centres and Talent Academies. All previous documents can be found here

If you are interested in attending one of the forums, please complete the sign up form here by Wednesday 21 April. To ensure we can accommodate all interested clubs, these forums will be limited to two people per club with both representatives attending the same forum where possible. So that the discussions can be as constructive as possible, please read through the March 2021 update on the Future Talent Strategy page and familiarise yourself with the framework documents prior to attending.

There will be additional forums run which will specifically cover County Hockey (AC/DCs), details of which will be shared directly with County administrators.

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