In this section will explain what steps to take as a club to remain compliant with this policy. We are committed to supporting clubs to understand and implement the policy so if you need any support at any time, please do reach out to us. Please take the time to read the full policy and guidance, especially the Understanding the Trans and Non-Binary Participation Policy section.
We know this can be a difficult policy to navigate, and we’re committed to assisting you to find the best outcome for all your players. England Hockey will support on all eligibility questions and concerns related to this policy to find the right outcome and solution for your trans and non-binary players.
For any questions on eligibility related to this policy, please contact England Hockey at and we will guide you through the options for each player as well as what the policy means for them. Any other form of eligibility concern which falls outside of this policy should be dealt with through the normal process in your local league and Area.
We understand that not everyone is an expert on various forms of eligibility or on discrimination, and it’s natural to sometimes feel uncertain about whether our policy is breached. It is our responsibility as England Hockey and as Clubs to ensure we’re supporting trans members of our community to find the right hockey for them. We understand that not everyone is an expert on various forms of eligibility or on discrimination, and it’s natural to sometimes feel uncertain about the details of the policy or whether the policy is breached.
Please review the how to support trans and non-binary participants in hockey section to know the steps to take to support your trans members to find appropriate hockey for them which is compliant with the policy.
If a situation occurs that and you observe or encounter any instances of policy breach, or have concerns about how this policy is being interpreted by members of your club or any players, and you’re unable to address the issue locally, it’s important to reach out to our England Hockey team at who can help you with any issues you may be facing.
Sadly, sometimes you may witness some form of discrimination towards trans members. If you feel there is a case of discrimination, every incident, no matter how seemingly minor, should be reported to England Hockey. Even seemingly insignificant occurrences can have a detrimental effect on those involved. We’re committed to supporting anyone who brings forth a concern, and those who advocate for another player, or confronts any form of discrimination – those who do will not face negative repercussions.
It is important not to assume eligibility, and it is essential that we respect the confidentiality of all participants. Therefore, we would not expect any participant to be challenged on their eligibility during an event. All incidents should be raised through the official process and reported to after such an event takes place.
In line with eligibility guidance, the responsibility for verifying a player's eligibility lies with the club. It is not the role of the umpire to monitor or enforce the eligibility of individuals on the team sheet, irrespective of any awareness of a player's circumstances. It is the duty of the club to field eligible players for any game. An umpire's primary responsibility is to apply the Rules of Hockey to ensure the game is conducted safely and fairly. Should a player engage in dangerous play, the umpire will take appropriate action in accordance with the rules. However, the umpire or official is not accountable for the enforcement of player eligibility policies.
We are committed to supporting all players, clubs, coaches, officials, Areas, Counties and leagues to find the best outcome of all players, and we know this can be a difficult policy to navigate. Therefore, England Hockey is committed to supporting on all eligibility concerns related to this policy to find the right outcome and solution for trans and non-binary players.
To report a concern or an issue, or to seek further guidance please email with details of the case and the England Hockey team will be in touch to support you through the process.
Any other form of eligibility concern should be dealt with through the normal process in your local area.
We know that with eligibility queries can come discrimination. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination at England Hockey, and we urge you to follow the discrimination process if you feel such a case has developed. If you suspect discriminatory behaviour is occurring, it's imperative to report it. All discrimination concerns linked to this policy should be sent through the disrepute process to England Hockey at
Having gender critical views is not considered unlawful discrimination, and merely holding such views is not inherently unacceptable behaviour. However, it's important to note that having these views does not grant individuals the right to express them in a discriminatory manner. The way in which these beliefs are expressed could potentially be deemed unacceptable behaviour or even unlawful discrimination.
If discrimination, prejudice, or harassment towards or about a player takes place, it is important that any offensive behaviour is dealt with. Such behaviours are wholly unacceptable and may be subject to disciplinary action under the England Hockey Disciplinary Regulations. We would ask that any such incidences are reported in line with this discipline process. For any concerns or questions on reporting a potential disciplinary action, please contact for support and guidance.
As a coach, club official or team manager you already implement many of England Hockey’s policies. You are the first-line of support for standards of on pitch and off-pitch conduct. You may be the person to receive initial reports or complaints of harassment or discriminatory behaviour from your players or players/coaches from other teams. Everyone has the right to play hockey. If a player or team refuses to play against a team with a (suspected) trans player, this goes against England Hockey’s principle of inclusion and is also discriminatory. There may also be associated consequences for a team should it refuse to play (regales of reason).
It is important not to assume eligibility, and it is essential that we respect the confidentiality of all participants. Therefore, we would not expect any participant to be challenged on their eligibility during an event. All incidents should be raised through the official process and reported to such an event takes place. Refusal to play would result in a forfeited match in line the existing England Hockey regulations.
England Hockey is committed to supporting on all eligibility queries or concerns related to this policy to find the right outcome and solution for trans and non-binary players. To report a concern or an issue, or to seek further guidance, please email with details of the case and the England Hockey team will be in touch to support you through the process.
Fellow players play a key role in creating the right culture and atmosphere for everyone to feel welcome and included in hockey.
How you behave as a player has a direct impact on creating an inclusive culture within your team and your club. Ensure your on-pitch conduct is within the rules, regardless of who your opposition is. Ensure your off-pitch conduct is in line with your Club, League and England Hockey policies, rules and regulations. For more information please review our code of conduct.
If you have concerns about the participation eligibility of any player, including a player who may be trans or non-binary, these should be raised with your club in the first instance. The club will liaise with the league admins and England Hockey and should follow the eligibility concern process. We would not expect any participant to be challenged or sanctioned on their eligibility during or immediately before an event.