Sport England are an arm’s-length body of government responsible for growing and developing grassroots sport and getting more people active across England. Every penny they spend ties in to their vision that everyone in England should feel able to take part in sport and activity. They use expertise, insight, campaigns and targeted funding from the government and the National Lottery to do that.
Their work includes campaigns; awarding funding and strategic work and partnerships. England Hockey continues to be privileged and grateful for their continued support since they became Sport England in 1999.
The evidence is overwhelming that moving our bodies – through community sport, fitness and physical activity – improves our lives, individually and collectively.
It is essential that we come together to ensure everyone, no matter their background, is given the opportunity to create positive lifelong experiences. Sport and physical activity have an essential part to play in helping people live healthier and happier lives.
Uniting The Movement is their 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity, focusing on three key objectives:
- Advocating for movement, sport and physical activity
- Joining forces on five big issues:
Recover and reinvent
Connecting Communities
Positive experiences for children and young people
Connecting with health and wellbeing
Active environments - Creating the catalysts for change