Back Talent Strategy 2021

Why was the new Talent System Developed?

The new Talent System was developed to grow the depth and breadth of our talent pool across our pathway by providing multiple routes for a player to progress. For most players this will include a blend of hockey across club (including Talent Academy & Talent Centre), school and junior county hockey environments. By providing multiple routes for a player to progress, Talent system environments can better cater for the needs of individual players, increasing the opportunities for a greater diversity of player to identify their own path to progress. Moreover, by recognising each individual develops at different rates in different contexts, it will help promote a fluid movement of players to transition into the right environment at the right time for them. The Right Athlete Right Environment principles (RARE) help put the athlete at the heart of the Talent System, whilst ensuring high quality provision and greater diversity for many more players. 

For more information on the Talent System, please see