Back Injuries

Should all injuries be recorded? If so, how should they be recorded and how should the information be stored?

Because it is such an important issue, England Hockey needs to collect as much evidence as possible to respond to questions on safety and is working to collect information in a way that creates minimal workload for volunteers.

We would ask all clubs and events log injuries requiring a hospital visit through our injury reporting page, which can be found on the injury reporting page. 

Please complete the England Hockey Injury Monitoring Form in as much detail as possible when such injuries are sustained. This will allow England Hockey to continue to monitor injuries in the sport and to analyse the data for trends. It is shared with the FIH. This information will empower the England Hockey Board and the FIH to implement changes to the rules when and where the evidence supports it.

It is deemed good practice and there is excellent guidance on health and safety issues for sports clubs on the Health and Safety Executive website.

It is recommended that accident report forms are used, and full details of all accidents/injuries are recorded. Forms should be stored for a minimum of 10 years or until the individual is 25 years old.