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Finding your Umpire Number.

It is often a requirement to provide your Umpire Number to leagues and/or Area Officiating Group – any person that has completed formal Umpire Development of some sort will have an umpiring number, and this will be held on the HockeyHub.

To access your Umpire Number please follow the instructions below:-

a.       For Unassessed Umpires

1.     Log into the HockeyHub

2.     Within your profile menu options (click on your name in the top right of the screen), select “Download Certificates”.

3.     Select the relevant Certificate for the Umpiring Development Event you have attended and this will download the certificate.

b.       For Assessed Umpires

1.       Log into the HockeyHub

2.       Within your profile menu options (click on your name in the top right of the screen), select “Edit Profile”.

3.     On the “Connections” tab within your profile, ensure you are listed as an umpire in at least one of the categories (Type the Organisation in the Text Box, and then select Umpire from the dropdown next to it in either the Schools, Clubs or Umpiring Associations categories). Ensure you press “Save Changes” if you have made any amendments.

4.     This will mean that the “Umpires” tab will be added to your profile.  Click on the “Umpires” tab and your Umpire number will be listed there.  If it is not, please email and they can investigate what the issue may be with your account.


Your umpire number may sometimes be different to what you thought it was – if that is the case, please refer to the question below.

You will not receive any additional physical items when you move from Unassessed to Assessed status, but you will have a new pdf Certificate added to your profile which states that you are now an Assessed Umpire.  The same applies when moving between “levels” of umpiring.