Back Support for Players: Transgender and Non-Binary Participation Policy - 01 September 2025 onwards

How can trans and non-binary participants continue to play?

Trans women: can participate in hockey affected by this policy in the Open category and in the mixed hockey format under their sex recorded at birth. They can also play in hockey that falls outside of this policy as the gender they identify as or their sex recorded at birth.

Trans men: can participate in hockey affected by this policy in the Female category under their sex recorded at birth as long as they have not or are not currently undertaking androgenising substances such as hormone treatment.  They can compete in the mixed hockey format under their sex recorded at birth. They can play in the Open category under the gender they identify as. They can also play in hockey that falls outside of this policy as the gender they identify as, or their sex recorded at birth.

Non-binary (male at birth): can participate in hockey affected by this policy in the Open category and in the mixed hockey format under their sex recorded at birth. They can also play in hockey not affected by this policy as the gender they identify as, or their sex recorded at birth.

Non-binary (female at birth): can participate in the Female category and the mixed hockey format under their sex recorded at birth, unless or until they have started any androgenising substances such as hormone treatment. They can play in the Open category under the gender they identify as, or their sex recorded at birth. They can also play in hockey that falls outside of this policy as the gender they identify as, or their sex recorded at birth.