New Club Membership Proposal
The membership structure for clubs within England Hockey has remained largely unchanged for many years. Currently, fees are calculated based on the number of adult teams that a club fields. While this was a relevant approach 20–25 years ago, the growth of junior sections in clubs means it is no longer a consistent or equitable way for clubs to contribute to the sport’s development.
Additionally, since the introduction of the Club Membership+ component (which includes a sport-wide insurance policy), the existing model does not clearly distinguish between benefits for clubs and those for individual players.
This proposal seeks to establish a membership model that is simpler and more transparent for everyone – players, parents, and club committees. We believe these changes align better with the needs of clubs and provide a stronger foundation to address the challenges facing hockey, ensuring the game is fit for the future.
Club Membership Proposal
Outline of the proposed changes in detail to assist clubs in their preparations for the AGM
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