England Hockey have changed from 'affiliation' to two Club Membership Offers:
- Club Membership+: with a range of benefits including a comprehensive insurance offer within the membership package.
- Club Membership: this is the arrangement clubs will be familiar with from previous years.

- If you have previously accessed the Club Portal for affiliation (now Club Membership), to add details of your Covid Officer or update your committee contact details then your login details will remain the same. If you have forgotten your password please click on the “Forgot Your Password?” link at the top of the sign in page.
- If you are creating a new account you will need to follow the steps in the red text on the landing page. New users will need to confirm their preferences and link themselves to an organisation before they are able to see their club’s Membership (this will open in August each year).
On the left hand side of the page you will find Club Tools, under this section you will find Club Membership. - When you login for the first time you will land on the preferences page where you will need to confirm your preferences, save your personal details and link yourself to your organisation (club).
- Select your club from the drop down list and click save. This needs to be approved at our end before you are linked so there may be a delay.
- Once approved, you will see yourself attached to your club when you login and on the left hand side of the page in the blue panel you will find Club Tools and under this section is Club Membership.
If you do experience any issues or have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact clubs@englandhockey.co.uk and we will be happy to help you.
The costs below are for the 2024/25 season. A increase of 5% for Club Membership was agreed at this year’s England Hockey AGM.
The Club portal for membership automatically calculates your club costs for both types of membership after you have input your details. Membership is due to open on the Club Portal in August. The table below shows the Membership costs per club / team type.
Please note if you choose the Membership + option the cost of this (which includes insurance) is in addition to the costs below. We are not able to display these costs as we are not regulated by the financial regulator.
Team Information
Cost Inc VAT
(Standard VAT rate applies only on
1/3rd of affiliation fee
University - Saturday League
Teams playing in regular mainstream leagues £87.85 per team University - BUCS
Teams only playing BUCS Wednesday No Cost Occasional Teams that do not participate regularly in a league, but play more than 4 games per season
£51.94 per team Junior club only
Clubs that only have a junior section £51.94 per club Junior/youth teams
U18 playing in regular competitions No cost if the club are also affiliating at least one senior team Indoor
Teams playing indoor hockey No cost Masters
Clubs that have masters team in addition to senior and/or junior teams No cost if the club are also affiliating at least one senior team *London Masters league is classed as a Senior Team and is charged accordingly Masters club only
Clubs that contain masters teams playing in masters competitions only £51.94 per club Mixed club only Clubs that contain mixed teams playing in mixed competitions £239.75 per team Senior teams
Teams playing regular Saturday/Sunday hockey including London Masters League Teams £239.75 per team -
During the Membership process the following Policies are referred to:
England Hockey Membership Policy
Area Membership Policies can be found on each Area Website. See Links below:
For more information on the insurance scheme and cover included within Club Membership + please go to our insurance page.
England Hockey reserves the right to refuse membership to any club in line with its constitution.
If you have any questions regarding Club Membership, please contact clubs@englandhockey.co.uk or call 01628 896 830 and we will get back to you.
Please note - New clubs should contact the above number for advice on how to set up your membership profile.