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Bridgwater HC Stick It To Cancer

On Sunday 18 July, Bridgwater Hockey Club hosted their first-ever ‘Stick It To Cancer’ event. The event was organised this year to raise awareness of breast cancer and to support club member Shannon who is currently battling breast cancer at the age of 24.
28 lovely ladies donned their pink and white tops and battled it out in 29-degree heat to a nail-biting 3-3 draw, whilst the lucky supporters topped up their tans and ate many slices of cake!
The day helped raise a whopping £1120.20 for ‘Breast Cancer Now’ charity and ‘Shannon’s Journey’. The funds came from match fees, a bake sale, donations and a raffle which included prizes like kit vouchers, fitness sessions, goodie bags and more.
The club are truly grateful for everyone involved. From Lucy Burridge and Emma Hill for ‘dreaming up the idea’, Sapphy Reed-Yang for ‘project managing’, Sue Durkin for making ribbon pin badges and running the stalls and finally to all the wonderful volunteers, raffle donors, cake makers, players, umpires and spectators.
The day was a beautiful success.